Wild Writing Workshops  |  Seasonally from Spring 2024

Step into the enchanting world of WILDWRIGHTS at the beautiful Sudley Walled Garden in Liverpool.

Discover nature’s wonders at our seasonal writing workshops, which aim to spark creative adventures for curious minds by connecting with the wild world.

With fun Expedition Guides and activities for all ages, you’ll enjoy crafting poetic treasures and tales by exploring the vibrant ecosystem around you.

So join us to build bonds with nature and each another in this amazing community space.

Sessions are free of charge, and all writing materials will be provided.


  • Saturday 30 March, 1—2.30pm — SOLD OUT
  • Saturday 18 May, 1—2.30pm — SOLD OUT
  • Sunday 14 July, 1—2.30pm — SOLD OUT
  • Saturday 29 September, 1—2.30pm
Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund
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PH Holt Logo
PH Holt Logo
Circle of log benches in a walled garden

Why Wildwrights?

Creative writing in a natural setting can be amazingly beneficial for our emotional health and wellbeing.

Immersing ourselves in nature has been scientifically shown to reduce anxiety, elevate mood, and promote an overall sense of calm. The sights, sounds, and scents of the walled garden create a soothing, restorative escape from the stresses of everyday life.

Focusing our senses on the living beauty around us – the flutter of a butterfly, the texture of a leaf – encourages mindfulness, keeping us grounded and present in the moment. This can be incredibly therapeutic.

Being part of a supportive community sharing the experience of nature also forges great social connections vital to emotional health. And tapping into our creativity by capturing our thoughts and feelings through writing can be so liberating.